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Organisational Design for Today’s World

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Dynamic Organisation Design for Process Alignment and Higher Performance

Organisations face recurring and continuous change, and in order to maintain or increase productivity, performance and profit, they need to effectively respond to these challenges. The problem lies in knowing what needs to change, how to change it and when is the best time for change.

What is organisational design? Organisational Design is the process of aligning the structure, workflows and resources of an organisation with its objectives in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The need for Organisational Design can come from mergers, new products or services, changes to the strategy, cost reduction initiatives and broad change initiatives.

This Organisation Design for Today’s World course will help learners to understand how to develop and redefine their organisation’s structure and design, to enhance business performance. Learners will be equipped with the tools they need to lead and deliver change despite the disrupted and uncertain business landscape. This course will also distinguish the difference between organisational design and development, as well as the difference between organisational structure and design.

In this two-day organisation design training programme, participants will work with a variety of case studies, tools, frameworks and models to learn the principles and application of Organisational Design.

Colleagues collaborating with post-it notes

“The course was professionally delivered through exceptional teaching driven by a clear passion for the subject matter.”

Senior HR Business Partner

Who should attend


The interactive format of this Organisational Design for Today’s World Training will enable participants to explore new knowledge and techniques through practical engagement.

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  • Context – ‘Starting on the Same Page’ and Distinguishing between Organisation Development & Design
  • Exploring the significant Elements of Organisation Design
  • Introduction to LCC’s Organisation Design Model©:
    • Overview of the Organisation Design Model
    • Principles that underpin the Model
  • Phase 1: Case for Change:
    • Identify the Business Requirement for Redesign
    • Establish the Key Roles and Responsibilities
    • Finding the right Sponsor
    • Develop the Business Case
  • Phase 2: Organisation Assessment:
    • Determine the Design Framework
    • Organisation Assessment through Collaborative Engagement (Data Gathering)
    • Determine the Organisation Development trends – (Data Analysis)
    • Stakeholder Analysis & Action Plan
    • Develop a Consultation & Communication Plan
  • Skills Practice:
    • Experiential Exercise focused on the Challenges & Benefits of Organisation Design
  • Phase 3: Designing the Structure:
    • Determine the New Organisation Structure – Structure, size, spans-of-control, defining new organisational roles, reality testing the design, lateral capabilities, reward and people systems
  • Consider the Alignment of Organisation Design with Strategy, TOM, Job Architecture, Career Framework, Productivity Focus
  • Phase 4: Implementation as a Change Initiative – Exploring our Understanding of Change and Change Management:
    • The Human Response to Change through Understanding the Neuroscience of Dealing with Resistance to Change
  • Phase 5: Design Review:
    • The Benefits & Importance of Review
    • Measuring Organisation Outcomes, for both tangible and ‘soft projects’
    • Measuring the Alignment & Tensions of the Design
  • Real-Work’ Case Skills Practice & Application

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Organisational Design for Today's World

This is a highly interactive experience, which is delivered as either In-Person (2 full consecutive days), or Live Virtual Classroom (4 consecutive days of 3.5 hour sessions)

This training forms part of the Organisation Design & Development Certificate – CMI Level 7 Qualification. If you are interested in obtaining a Level 7 Award or Certificate in OD&D, please click here.

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