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Organisational Development Mastery Programme

Become an expert at Facilitating Organisation Development through Large Systems Change

The From OD Practitioner to OD Mastery Programme combines various experiential learning methods, with the study of Somatics, Ontology, Psychoanalytics, Systems Thinking, Chaos Theory, and Human Dynamics in relation to organisations and organisational development.

This highly practical, in-depth Programme has been designed to equip professionals, who are accountable for managing, leading and changing the organisation, (its processes, systems, ways-of-working, motivation, workforce, etc.), to enhance their skills, knowledge and practice, in their quest to effectively deliver the organisation’s goals, strategy and value to its customers.

Practitioners and Leaders attending this Programme will participate in experiential activities, the aim of which is to learn how to observe the functioning of a group in order to understand the dynamics which influence it, how they impact the ‘job-at-hand’. This will allow for the study of issues such as leadership, followership, rivalry, boundaries, group defences and habits, cultural and role differences, as well as relatedness and relationship between groups, boundary dynamics and issues of delegated authority.

Additionally, the programme will focus on how to achieve greater levels of collaboration (collective, partners), cooperation (helpful and willing), and coordination (synchronised, directed and aligned).

Learners will be able to work with the challenges, organisational dilemmas and opportunities that occur everyday, and become more proficient at seeing the bigger picture, working with multiple and competing expectations, undertaking ‘clean’ conversations, and use-of-self.

“This Programme has enabled me to think about organisations in a completely different way. It has not only developed me as a Practitioner but has changed me as a Leader”

OD & HR Director

Unique Programme Features

OD Mastery roadmap

Becoming an OD Practitioner is a journey, consisting of formal learning, on-the-job experience, expert input and peer supervision. 

Practitioners often find themselves on the journey, which  quite often is not deliberate.  However, the natural dynamics of people and organisations (systems) within the context of Change and Transformation, will inevitably draw one into this domain of knowledge.

The Journey typically begins with Core Knowledge, perhaps moving onto Focused Developed.  However, many programmes end here. 

In contrast, the LCC Journey recognises that knowledge is not enough – and so our LCC Mastery Programme moves the Practitioner to higher levels of expertise, in order to be a true Leader of Change and Influence.

Core Knowledge

Advanced Technical Knowledge

Focussed Development could include:

  • OD Practitioner Certificate / Programme
  • MSc in Organisation & People Development
  • Advanced MBA level

LCC OD Mastery Programme (Module 1)

OD Practitioner to Mastery – Beyond theories, tools and techniques

LCC OD Mastery Programme (Module 2)

OD Mastery – The key to higher levels of transformation, excellence and long-term success

  • Focussed Development could include:

    • OD Practitioner Certificate / Programme
    • MSc in Organisation & People Development
    • Advanced MBA level
  • OD Practitioner to Mastery – Beyond theories, tools and techniques

  • OD Mastery – The key to higher levels of transformation, excellence and long-term success

Who should attend

The OD Mastery Programme has been designed for professionals, who are accountable for leading, managing and changing their organisation, its processes, systems, ways-of-working,  and workforce. 

It is assumed that the individuals attending the programme will have worked in human systems for a number of years, and now want to extend their knowledge, skills, and confidence through a challenging, integrative and supportive learning experience.


Leadership and
Development skills

Influencing, Persuading & Facilitating

Embodied Learning and Leadership

Evidence based

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Module 1

Confirming the foundation upon which we build our OD and Leadership Practice

A practical introduction into Embodied Learning language, principles and practices, to recognise patterns that arise in intense or pressured situations

Providing opportunities to explore the roles and tasks of OD Practitioners and Leaders, in their various settings

Module 2

If Module 1 is about learning through Embodied Practices for enhanced Influencing, Persuading, Being Present and Facilitation, then Module 2 is about deepening the new practices – Becoming ‘unconsciously competent’:

Mastery to enable Practitioners and Leaders to  attain higher levels of excellence and a deeper sense of satisfaction for themselves, teams, and the organisation

Actions from a place of Choice rather than ‘Automatic Pilot’ for self, teams and the organisation as a whole.

How to ensure people feel seen, and are compelled/willing to follow you and your lead?

Articulating Strategy to enable Decisions and Actions throughout the Organisation.

Change in  volatile and ambiguous times.

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Organisation Development Mastery Programme

This is a highly interactive experience, which is delivered In-Person. Both Module 1 & 2 are In-Person (London and Dubai) and are 4 Full Consecutive Days

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