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Leadership & Management Development

Leadership cannot be taught, but it can learned

Effective leaders know themselves and what they care about, as well as empower people to be the best they can be. Our leadership approach invites you to fully explore those values, behaviours and ways of being we see in exemplary leadership.

Exemplary leaders are able to take effective action aligned with one’s values in the moment and context at hand. They can use their multiple intelligences (cognitive, intuitive emotional spiritual) for a number of important skills including building trust quickly as well mobilizing others towards solutions while generating courage when necessary but also empathy. They are able not only see things from different perspectives but know how using these various skills will lead them down paths where compromise might otherwise seem impossible.

An exemplary leader is not someone who stops at a good idea, but instead creates the desired outcome through aligned practices and self-cultivation. 

Our leadership training will provide you with an opportunity to bring more awareness to yourself, your life, your practices, decisions and choices that you make, and how to embody new generative perspectives that act as a springboard to fulfilling on your personal and professional declarations.

Our Courses

Aspiring Directors’ Development Programme

Effectively transitioning to Director Role

Exemplary Leadership

Leading for High Performance

The Emerging Leader

Realise your management potential with an through others

Learn more about our Leadership & Management courses​

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